New year, new plans
Last year I decided to try and up the ante slightly, by posting a regular blog and writing at least once a week which I did, I even managed to complete the annual challenge successfully, which surpassed my own expectations. This year, we’ve only reached week two and I’m already struggling with finding something to write - the problem I have is, I can’t quite bring myself to break the habit just yet!
January is generally a tough month, financially and for some, emotionally taxing. With the dawn of a new year comes a series of resolutions to make the forthcoming twelve months worth something, to do something new, to challenge oneself and to make a difference to their lives. Reading Facebook status’s over the new year gave an interesting insight into how people perceived how they were treated; “2012, better be better than last year”, or “Bye Bye 2011, what a year that was!” For Stephanie and I, 2011 couldn’t have treated us any better.
I wrote at the beginning of last year that I wasn’t expecting too much from 2011, a year of getting used to being married and living in relative calm and harmony after the preceding chaos of 2010, stag weekends and wedding preparations. I’m obviously no Nostradamus as we ended the year with a beautiful baby girl and the final piece of our own private puzzle was complete!
With all honesty, I cannot tell you what this year is likely to bring, nor am I in a place at the moment to even guess. I find myself career wise at a bit of a cross-roads. Uncertainty in the workplace can sometimes be stressful and cause for worry, but I’m fairly philosophical and have the attitude of “whatever happens, happens”, but until I know with any assurance what my future, or indeed the agencies future is I’m unable to plan ahead and make decisions for the best interests of me or my family.
We’ve all got our worries and problems, it doesn’t matter what year, or month or even what day they fall on. I’m fortunate that I have great friends and family around me, they are my support network and I’m sure that rings true for anyone reading this. Jobs are lost, relationships break down and sadly people depart unexpectedly and leave us behind. I wouldn’t wish any of that upon anyone, but the truth remains, that those things are likely to happen to us one day, or have already and we are coming out the other side. For all the exotic holidays, new houses, new cars, babies and marriages or things to look forward to, there are those experiencing the not so enjoyable opposites.
So if anyone asking me, what’s the plan for 2012, it’s to remain healthy, to keep growing as a person and to appreciate the love and support of my friends and family - and most importantly, to appreciate and enjoy them every day, not just this year but the next.