24 : Exile


With the American Screen writers strike hitting at the back end of 2007/ beginning of 2008 many tv shows were unable to film due to lack of scripts. It has had an effect across a lot of television exports, no more so than 24 which was just about to air series 7 when the strike hit.

Not wanting to have a gap inbetween shows the creators of 24 decided to postpone series 7 a full calendar year, much to the annoyance of huge 24 fans like myself.

However, they haven't been sitting there twiddling their thumbs, instead they have been 'making the best series' they can, and as a special treat filming a two hour prequel which will air on Sky One sometime in November.

The following is a teaser trailor of the prequel, named "24 : Exile"

Jack's back, and I for one cannot wait!


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