Half way!
As we enjoy the longest day of the year, Steph and I will be having a minor celebration as Oliver reaches six months old.
We won't obviously be popping any champagne corks, but we will be taking a look back at the past six months, how our journey has gone by so quickly, how Oliver has brought so much fun into our lives and how we cannot remember our lives before he arrived!
Towards the end of Stephanie's pregnancy I thought about the idea of taking a photograph of Oliver each day and posting it on the web, so that we could capture his changes each day. Steph wasn't initially keen on the idea, thinking that I was mad, or just jesting!
It wasn't really until Oliver was a week old, Christmas had passed and I had realised we had photos each day for Oliver's first week. This was then that my idea resurfaced and I decided to carry on with it. Six months down the line, and we still have a photograph of Oliver each and every day.
It hasn't been easy though, we have had to rely on a lot of goodwill from other people, particularly those who look after Oliver each day whilst Steph and I go to work. I must say a big thank you to Steph's mum Pat who had really embraced the whole concept and is a frequent source for the gallery so far. I would also like to say thank you to Carly, Nadine, Marlene and my mum who have also got their fair share of "entries", and without which this whole idea would not be able to come to life.
Intrigued as to how far other people had got on in similar projects I googled around and found some interesting projects of people doing similar things. Highlights of which include a Japanese women who filmed her face every day for three years on a webcam and posted a time lapse video of her efforts! Most people it seems are taking random photographs of random everyday things and capturing their "lives" -a year in pictures.
A lot of people have commented on the gallery, all of which has been really positive. It seems that the general consensus is that when Oliver is older he will be really grateful for our twelve months of hard work and that it will be something to be proud of in years to come! I am hoping that will be true, although I am sure when he is a teenager he will be sulking and saying how "sad" we were!
Another question that I have been asked is what happens on the 21st December 2007? Will I carry on? To be honest, I probably won't! If I was taking the photographs each day then maybe, but I am reliant on other peoples help, and sometimes it isn't always possible, and I never wanted it to become a chore for people. The first year was always the plan, and once complete it will be a unique and enjoyable thing to look back on. Even now, as you view the past six months the changes in Oliver are quite remarkable!
Taking a look at the photographs themselves; there are some cute ones, funny ones, silly ones, ones we don't really like and one that were taken in a bit of a hurry! Stephanie and I sat down to come up with our top ten list, specifically for this blog... but we couldn't - instead we present to you our top twenty!
Our Top Twenty
1 - The very first photo - we just had to include this!
2 - Probably Oliver's most famous photo! Made Stephanie cry when she saw it, and the photo that we issued with our thank you notes.
3 - His bib pretty much sums it all up really!
4 - Oliver enjoying his swing for the first time. So small and delicate!
5 - Trying his Gills shirt out for the very first time!
6 - Just incredibly cute!
7 - Oliver and Solo Valentine, the only puppy of a litter born on Valentines day, both with amazing blue eyes, and chubby chops!
8 - This one tickles me every time I see it!
9 - Great smile!
10 - We like this on because Oliver looks completely different for some reason!
11 - We loved his jumper!
12 - This is just great! He really loves his baths!
13 - Nadine took this one, which Steph and I thought was hilarious!
14 - Taken whilst he was lying on the floor in the lounge.
15 - Looking straight at me in whilst playing in the bouncer.
16 - This one just came out so well!
17 - A typical Oliver moment, playing with his toys on the sofa.
18 - Mum said Oliver had the glasses on for ages and didn't mind at all!
19 - This is one of my favourites!
20 - Our most recent
So, there are our favourites - what about yours?
Here's to the next six months!